But if u can't read, or just is not, go outside, touch grass and go get some female companions
The lore and the game itself is quite, quite real, but some areas are, you know, not yes, but this is the best game I ever made so :D
Most things can be hovered over to see info, but you can only understand it if you can read which maybe is false. It also autosaves
You wake up, in the middle of a something. Confused of where you are, however, you have this feeling, of major dislike, of slightly less major hate. Something, no, someone, has destroyed this place. Somebody needs to pay. In front of you, you see a bunch of weird objects. What is this, green line, or the, flat piece of white. Ok, what strange objects, but there is also this person next to them.
“Ah, Finally, you’re awake”
This sounds familiar. Looking at him, he seems neutral, however, friendly at the same time. “Could you destroy these things for me? They may look basic, but don’t underestimate them” What “Oh, you don’t know how to fight. To fight, press adventure, notice where the attack button is (sword) then click the yellow button and spam the attack button” "And if you beat an enemy, you might get something" Okey dokey
FINALLY IT BECAME OF THE DEAD Looking at the dead carcass, it has dropped a weird, smiling hat thing. Wow Much wow You take it to the guy and see what knowledge he can share
“Ok what is that” You tell him that the thing dropped it and now you clicked on ‘Inventory’ button “Oh, well You need to click on it to equip and a second time to unequip” Very knowledgeable, this guy “And if you want to unlock more things, you need to beat the tutorial zone by defeating all of them”
You walk to the end of the road, notice the helicopter on the left and a field on your right. “Now I must leave you, since now you can take care of yourself” You thank him, but ask what happens if you get something new, or get an idle game that actually is IDLE He just says, “Read the sign” What sign?
Ok, nothing about the idle game, but there’s also a note on the side
What is a teneledo four ES, And what idiot plays KGT idle But reflecting on the three questions above, they all apply to you. You have to help L.Gasby
You go to the tutorial guy and ask where do you find Gasby “Walk down the road past the fields and you see his house, right next to a school” So you have to simulate doing more exercise. Great
You do a few knocks before you get an answer *Opens door* (art = work so stfu) You tell him you has the sachet “Oh, thank you, a stone is outside, under the pot” Yay, all that work for another thing
Wasn’t I meant to get a new feature Stupid game dev This is trash You knock on gasby’s door, again “Yes” You tell him that you want a new feature “WOW” Yes gasby, much wow “You solved it” Yes, this world, this lore, this game, is bad “You aren’t like everyone else” Yes, I don’t touch grass “Come inside” Why not
You walk in, see nothing special, until OMG STEVE JOBS NOOOOOOOOOO
(flexes MS paint skills) “Don’t worry about him, there’s nothing you can do” Oh, Ok He takes you to a room, relatively empty, only has what’s in the picture below
“Chris, this is, um, a guy” I love my name “He could possibly be the guy we need” “Whats 9 + 10”
(Why would I let you say the funny) Chris looks astonished “He got my game sachet as well” “So, what do you want?” A new feature “Can you help us?” If I get a new feature
He takes you to a room, full of metal people things. Then holds a Usb “This, this is what you need” He gives it to you Ok “These drones, all can be made, just from that Usb” “Plug it into the computer”
Chris presses the power and you wait a minute until “Oops, forgot windows update” 2 hours later “Ok, the process takes a minute to register, since we haven’t got the full version” A minute later you see a bear humanoid, wearing a top hat, right in front of you “Gasby, is this another fantasy you have made?” “Umm…” He walks in
“No” What does he mean by fantasy? “Anyways, with these robots we try and find the thing we believe controls it… GASBY WHAT ARE YOU DOING”
So gasby deleted some files on the usb and one contained the tutorial for this feature so I guess I’ll do it myself
This is the first idle feature of the game and was very effortful to add so please enjoy :D Here you build (summon i guess) drones/robot things to go and collect things Note that only one drone can be built at a time and click to start
Drone - y Hp - How much the drone has, if is 0 it joins the many ants you have killed Speed - Interval of collecting items Fail - Chance of failing. Hp will be set to 0 Lifetime - How long before death Progress - Time before drone is complete, hover to check how long till complete Zone - Where the drone will collect items (only zones you have completed work)
You can also ask chris to spend hours upgrading drones to be more tanky and faster Chris can only work on one drone on a time because he actually makes contact with the default enemy Note however that you can’t upgrade and build same drone at same time and triple click to start
Drone - x Level - Level Progress - Time before level is complete, hover to check how long till complete
There is also a usb inventory which you can store certain USBs and use them Note drones unexist if u reload or close KGT Idle New features for this feature will be unlocked later as well as new features so yes
You ask Chris what is this USB “How did you get this?” Killing values of math The pain math has given “I can make a system that allows you to unlock new moves in adventure…” Chris > Gasby “...and also simulate training, but it will be very effortful” :’(
Another Usb? Eh But what does killer robots mean? Chris pauses for a moment “That is, um, very, very illegal” Why “This isn’t a good sign, Gasby, come here” “What” He holds the USB
Gasby stops “How, is” “They want us dead” :c Wait, am I in that us “And this code is nerfed, severely…” He has a grin “But usable, this drone has upgradable buffed stone chance from the enemies it kills”
You try to give it to chris but gasby stops you “Can I check that USB” What could possibly go wrong He plugs it in, waits a minute and the bear humanoid from before appears “FEDDY” Feddy?
It stands, confused, 15 seconds before it faces gasby, then charges Gasby, taken from pure surprise, takes the flee approach, followed behind by this bear Do you help?
You speed up with your wings and stab it from behind with your old stick Gasby looks stunned at what he just witnessed Chris walks in “What was that screaming?” It was gas- “It was feddy” He points at wear bear lays, but 2 stones are now lying next to him “Guess the you didn’t assign a zone”
You just watch, eating some popcorn you found Gasby Screams with words like “HELP ME” and “AHHAH” He runs back to your position and all of the sudden the bear has interest in you Piss
You grab the enormous fang and shank it in the stomach Chris walks in He pauses at what's in front of you then takes a look at gasby crying in the corner Then he looks at the computer “Well, this is why you bring it to me”
“Feddy is tanky, fast drone with regen but you need to assign him a zone to fail so-” He pauses, looks at gasby “He fails, alot.” “At least he drops guaranteed stones” So I want him to backfire? “Well, he at least he accesses really hard zones” To die in? “Shut”
More lore? You give it to chris but unlike the other times, hes confused “This is a normal USB” Mkay He plugs it in and…
Nothing bad happened Chris opens the file named ToE, above the work folder “Ok” Ok doesn’t sound very 0K
“Follow me” Ok He takes you to a the entrance of a something “They hid the second part of the USB in this cave” Soooooooo “Get it” Bu- “If you want another feature it’ll be in there” **************************** YEA
How does a usb survive lav- Gasby admires the WFU usb “Can I have a try” Umm, why “This is the best rng in existence” Oh, he’s a nerd Well sorry gasby but is mine *Walks off*
You buy a gaming computer because why not Just to play some rng thingy Why not
A new usb means a visit to chris “Where did you get this?” Somewhere (how polished do you think this is?) “Well, this is where all the american government has been pouring their money” So Good drone? “This drone can’t be hit, or even die from power loss” So OP “But It still has a hp stat?” Shut chris and let me use drone
Damn MS paint is good You bring this 2nd one to chris, even though you already unlocked the 4th feature “Ok” Oh no
He takes you past the entrance of the cave, to the zone that should be below on the map You go into a building and find a little thing of grass “That would be something you have to commit, later” NONONONONOONONNONO GOD PLZ NONONOO “Now where is that idiot”
Chris taps the play button on the monitor, and the ‘idiot’ showed up
“WWDUBWDI NOOOOOOOO” The idiot grabs the deagle and points it at chris “Do that and your waifu drone ain’t getting real” Daym “Why have you been messing around with the aliens”
“BEcause thEY caLleD ME a viRgIN” Ngl, but… “Well now they all dead” Wat “Wat” “The yo mama joke made them spontaneously combust” Ok, wtf is wrong with this game dev
“Now this USB is all we have to defeat the…” Just before a name was going to be said a thing appeared It was Just a piece of grass, identical to the first enemy
Lets just called the idiot the idiot Well, he might of /kill @s himself
“Well, we have to get back” As you leave, the grass starts glitching out
Tf is that Chris looks slightly concerned “We gotta go” Yes, we can to that
You two become speed and arrive soon at the house “Ok, Well that is a problem for later” For me, obviously “And to help you, the aliens theory me the code to set up achievements, and you can see some numbers”
You head to the next zone, but you are stopped by gasby “You don’t want to go in there” Why? “Just don’t try to kill the gamer” Why? “Because they are gonna kill you” Why? Gasby walks off Meh, however there is a sign on the wall
Will you obey the sign
After 2 hours of debating you finally decide to open this work folder What it contains can inform, scar, give severe brain damage or yes Open?
Congratulations, you didn’t find any mlp r34 and instead unlocked a new subfeature. You can now look at all the items you have collected, and make them automatically get deleted before they get in your inventory by clicking the item. Also, the more items you collect, and the more of each item you collect will add up to (using complicated maths) a health multiplier.
Upon defeating xX_69GasbyGaming420_Xx you hear a door slam open. “I KNOW YOU’RE HACKING” Gasby rushes in and tries to strangle you, fueled by his nerd rage Unfortunately for him you had 0 million power in Rise of Kingdoms
After your swift victory, you proceed to the exit of the lab. Gasby follows, now accompanied by a strong limp. “Chris was right about you.” Yes, being able to do basic addition puts me within the highest quartile of the intellectual capability ( = you are in the top 25% most smart people) but no “I think you should have this” He reached into his pocket, and pulls out a what looks like an enchanted version of the gaming button
“Ever thought that the gaming feature was kinda useless?” I hope you don’t “Well with this you now able to get loot similar to that of adventure however instead of giving stats like +2 attack they now give multipliers to a lot of things” Out of all words you would use to describe gasby, wise may now be one of them
Now after those 3 png files showcasing all of my creative talent I need to remind you that there is a help button called help button used to get help after clicking the button Just, I know reading is a rare skill these days but, please, there is more info there. Also I don’t know how to display this information in lore form. If you want a simple version tho it's just another inventory system with bonuses
After hearing a semi obscure game reference you hear Gasby scream out into the room, similar to last time. However this time he has a gun
You run, gunshots follow Didn’t he give you a subfeature on your first win? Where is Chris? Why does this game exist? No time for asking these stupid and unreasonable questions however, you reached a dead end
He slows down, seeing as you have no way to escape Bargaining, you ask why he is so angry? Instead of answering your question he asks this “Well, why did steve jobs die of ligma?”
Gasby drops his gun “What?” You repeat Gasby looks stunned “How did you know?” If steve had any sense of a brain, he must of knew that “Dear god”
Long ago, we had simple lives
Through generation to generation, similar principles were kept constant
These were things like taxes, the threat of nuclear war and a certain game developer’s lack of females
Then things changed
First, the stars turned magenta
Second, lots of people got snapped out of existence
But, the worst thing of all, a portal formed
A total of 29 have ever ventured into it
0 were found
But if one ever finds this message, whether they are able to pause and read it or steal the knowledge from external means they must avoid the portal at all costs and {very important step that is left out of the story and replaced with text in curly brackets}
‘Ligma is thought to be given to those are too threatening’ Considered threatening to whom?? He faces the sky ‘I don’t know, ask Chris’
After a 2 hour journey of simulated exercise you finally reach the house You ask chris ‘I don’t know, ask Gasby’
"Well anyway, we need to get into zone 11, it seems to be another hidden base under Coder’s lab" Ok but y tho "I have gotten reports from sources that this is where they have created the killer robots, and it seems that they are improving them" Yes ‘You need to go in there’ But y tho "You want better drones don’t you?"
Studies have shown that not reading KGT idle lore is the most common cause of bitchlessness ‘There is some government laboratory below here, where they have created the killer robots’ But y tho Gasby waves his gun around menacingly
Gasby drops his gun “Dammit you didn’t say the line” The line? “Chris would only have let me kill you if he was wrong about you” Yeeeeeeeeesssssssssss? Gasby reads your look “Well, now we have to put our fate in your hands”
‘Under the coder’s lab is another laboratory, but is run by the government’ Yes x 3 ‘Chris says that that is where the killer drones are created, aswell as other things’ Yes x 4 "Deal with them, aswell as the reading the zone’s book for advice will probably reward you with a plentiful array of things" NOTE: There is a lack of a plentiful array of things because game dev lazy
More ants? You ask Chris for the meaning behind this USB, since the world has taught you to avoid sticking random USBs in your possessions. "Geckoking actually added content????????" Impossible. I know
He inputs several lines on his computer and a *SHOCKER* ant drone like thing appears “Upon creating one of these little guys your move move cooldowns in adventure reduce” How does that make sense? “However the ant drone is easily the weakest and least reliable drone there is” Why did I put so much effort into making 2 PAGES of lore instead of one for this?
It turns out that the killer robot was really lonely and wanted to get friends (:c very relatable) through the only way they know how, buying some Upon entering your redeem code you see this message and a question of if you want to go through a tutorial.
What is 6 x 9?
Delete items on clicking slot:
200 XP
1000 XP
20000 XP
Killer Robots
Sniper Drone
Ant Drone
Killer Robots
Sniper Drone
Ant Drone
Need more RAM
Need more RAM
Need more RAM
Attack +0%
Defence +0%
Drop chance +0%
Stone chance +0%
Build speed +0%
Upgrade speed +0%
XP gain +0%
Delete items on click:
Background Colour:
Item Flash:
Stone Flash:
USB Flash:
Full Inventory:
Fight picker: Zone =
Enemy =
Newest victim = idk
Brawl in zone: - Note that this will only work if all enemies in the zone are fightpickable
The adventure is where you kill things
This is the most important feature, as most things affect and are unlocked from it
To engage in combat, click on one of the little circle things;
Completed (killed every enemy in it at least once there)
Once in a battle click the attack button repeatedly (or [Q])
Yeah thats about it
This is the attack button (trust me I need to tell you this, people aren't the brightest things)
Please enjoy this 'idle' 'game', this is what I do instead of getting friends :c
Inventory is an inventory
Equip/unequip item from left clicking it
Destroy an item by right clicking
Anyways lets discuss item stuff and drop chances:
Items with light blue background are accessories, meaning they are accessories
Items with grey background are all consumables, click to consume
DC = Drop chance
SC = Stone drop chance
Drones is the *first* (hopefully not only) idle based feature in the game
You can build drones by clicking a whole button, allowing to scound the zone selected in the zone thing
Note that you must of completed (greened) the zone for the drone to collect items
To upgrade a drone click this (or [Q])
Note also that you cannot build and upgrade the same drone at the same time
Uponing unlocking this feature you also unlock the abilities to collect USBs
These can give (but not exclusive to);
Ligma And much more...
Gaming is an excuse for me not to work on KGT idle however say I am working on KGT idle
But how does it benefit you?
Gaming is a place where you play other bad games to get rewards from them
All the games have a HTP button (how to play) to tell you of its own unique stuff
All games have a cooldown so you can't only play it and still be forced to play KGT
(also for balance of their loot)
This can be decreased by upgrading their respective system
They also can be upgraded to improve the rewards and how far you can progress on them
Since they take alot of effort to create there is currently only 1 game(s)
Technical stuffs (game mechanics)
The game saves whenever you open inventory, so just do that
The game is also saved only to your browser, so it won't persist on other browsers or computers
I don't know what else to put here
Idk lvl up your moves and they stronger
Why did I think this was worthy of its own page?
Premium drones are an idle based subfeature in the drones tab-thing
They collect 4 new items aswell as Red, Green and Blue Red = 1% health multiplier, exchangable for xp Green = purchases xp upgrades Blue = :)
These drones run on ethanol, which is easily obtained by beer
Beer is obtained by all non-sniper drones with a 30% chance whenever they collect an item
Normal drones (still not sniper) can additionally collect the 4 other items with a 10% chance and
increase the beer collection chance by 10%, depending on the slots selected
There is alot I probably missed but hopefully it is straight forward enough
DO YOU want to see numbers go up? Go play NGU idle its a way better game
Well this thing gives you stat multipliers to help you on your goal of world domination such as: Attack Defence Drop Chance Stone chance Drone build speed Drone upgrade speed Xp gain
And rarities for how good that bonus is!11!!1
These enhanced items drop from many things; zones, drones but most commonly from games
You need to grind different places since you can only equip 1 of each item (not bonus or rarity)
Right clicking and unequipped item will fill up the recycle bar, and once that bar is full you get a new item
And now due to 50% of the KGT community requesting for this (literally 1 whole person);
Recycling an item will increase its rarities and below drop chance, except for common because they suck
The exact numbers are too complicated for you but I'll tell you this (Beware: MATH and CODEY things);
The rarities drop chances are calculated with the rarest ones first, meaning that recycling to increase
the drop chance of that rarity will only decrease the chances of the lowest one, and if you somehow
recycle enough to not be able to get commons anymore then it will only decrease rare drop chances
Hope that made sense
Just know that recycling is always a good thing, Ok?
Do achievements to gain AP to buy perks and stuff
The amount of AP gained is based on the difficulty of the achievement;
Green - 1
Blue - 2
Purple - 3
Yellow - 4
Red - 5
Black - 10
Get Xp from doing things
Then press leftMouseButton to buy a something
Also the upgrades things on the top row are expodential while the the upgrades on the right are linear
I doubt anyone can understand that
The item Library is a place to view the items you have collected
To filter an item, click on it and it will grey out (some Items can't be greyed out for reasons)
Filtering an item means it is automatically deleted from your inventory for you
(Also note that the erasers bonus still applies to filtered items so don't worry)
Also collecting more items gives a health multiplier
The amount of multiplier gaing per item is this math:
sqrt(amount collected) * 0.1 %
(Bonus is additive, meaning all of these bonuses are added together per item)