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Contact: kgtidle@gmail.comāļ
Complaints or bugs or game worship:
Congrats for BonerDonut5 for wasting their life playtesting this aswell as the 3 whole people who have played this for giving my life purpose
My focuses -
Book 10
Items for zone 9, 10, 11 and 12
Add G to premium drones
A special zone
Zone 13, 14 and 15
Game numero dos
v 0.4.8
Added 8 items
Fixed not being able to unequip jeans
Added something that shows how much xp is earned per kill
Finally made green useful. I am very sorry
v 0.4.7
Added a zone 12 finally
Fixed some gramatical and spelling errors
Added 4 items (I wonder where they are found)
Fixed the 44th acheivement from progressing on every single kill
Added 5 achievements
Fixed alot of bugs relating to premium drones
v 0.4.6
Update some item images
Fixed some occacions where the 'miss' does not appear
Added dave :)
Added 1 whole more item :):):):)
v 0.4.5
Fixed empty usbs from not showing part of the tooltip
Fixed the 100 items --> enchanced item perk from not counting filtered items
Fixed a bug involving the sandwich
Added a setting to show when a game is ready to be played (A game? does that mean theres more coming??????)
Added an 'item'
Added 2 real items
Reduced the rarity of something
v 0.4.4
Fixed zone 6 and 7 kill bonuses not being given to player
Fixed an error I am to embarressed to adress
Buffed uranium
Hopefully fixed all occurances when WFU would freeze after shooting something
Buffed the gamer
Fixed the enemy library from only showing the 9th zone if it is ever pressed on a session
Other fixes that are very minute have also been done
Added 2 items
v 0.4.3
Fixed a bug in WFU where the hitting a crewmate would occasionally pause the game indefinetly
Started another thing that I promised to start a month ago
v 0.4.2
Fixed a bug invovling late game lore and gasby
Halved upgrade times on all drones because of feedback
Changed the tooltip for 1 item as I know I will regret it in the future. If you want more please tell me
Fixed being able to heal from the sandwich after dying
Added book 9
v 0.4.1
Added fighting music that you'll only listen to once before muting the sounds again :)
Fixed the gunning drone image from being rotated
Increased the drop chances of very rare things
Fixed the attack buttons showing the incorrect damage multiplier
Fixed WFU starting at level 0 instead of 1
Fixed a bug where the fire may appear when fighting other enemies after losing to grass2
Fixed the gold reward in WFU not apearing
v 0.4.0
Added 3 more enchanced items
Made sounds not play when volume is 0
Added a new subfeature (there is probably 1000 bugs so be careful)
Added 1 regular item
v 0.3.9
Actually fixed htp for WFU not showing
The shadow becomes more transparent every day within WFU, tell me if this is a dumb change
Added another thing to spend xp on
Fixed items gained from WFU not being able to be collected if the inventory is full
Added about 8 pages of lore, thats why it took a while
Portals disappear when defeating the portal guy
Added lore pages are in the lore library aswell so you can enjoy the alternate path :)
v 0.3.8a
Fixed enhanced items from being unobtainable
v 0.3.8
Buffed the shadows speed by a small amount
Fixed a bug where the player could fight enemies without being in adventure
Improvements to the mobile mode to allow to account for the lack of keyboard for adventure
Added 2 items
Fixed book 8 pages from showing incorrect number of kills
Clicking/tapping on the cmg guess values will input that as the guess
Fixed achievement 44
Fixed inventory perk 2
Fixed skeleton 10 bonus
v 0.3.7
Fixed the cars in WFU from being able to spawn in the middle of the road
Added page for z11 in the drone zone library
Drone 4 can go to z11
Changed the shadows speed equation so it should be generally alot slower
Added 2 perks to spend your AP on
Once on half health, the history enemy thing shows a link to make you cry
Added drone 5, which also adds 2 WHOLE PAGES OF LORE (wow)
Hopefully fixed being able to shoot cannon even though its not there in WFU
Fixed being able to get extra rewards from WFU
Loot from WFU actaully all goes inventory at once unless its full, no need to press inventory multiple times
v 0.3.6a
Added a export/import system
v 0.3.6
Added kill bonuses to book 7
Many more fixes to WFU
Added a something that shows rarity drop chance for enhanced items
Fixed several occurances where in a 'brawl' enemies will gain the gimmicks from other enemies
Fixed new enhanced item's texture not appearing
Added 5 achievements
Added a very useful thing to WFU that only the most observant of people will find, links to an achievement
v 0.3.5
Reduced the speed of the shadow
WFU day 3 is finally complete, enjoy :D
New enchanced item added
v 0.3.4
Readded htp link to WFU
Allowed WFU to drop enchanced loot again
Fixes to e thing in WFU
Many more fixes to WFU
Main change: For a 10ish days the new weapon for WFU day 3 has replaced the deagle, the flare gun
Please give me feedback on how good the weapon is, if the fire particles are bad/laggy, bad texture / colours, buggy and if its FUN
Too increase the feedback on the flare gun the cooldown for WFU has been halved for this time
v 0.3.3a
Mobile mode also now works on enchanced loot
Fixed WFU loot not giving enything other than xp
v 0.3.3
Moved lore library down in the settings page
Slighter changed the water's colour
Redone all of WFU's code (no day 3 yet) so it probably very buggy
Emus now die to cars
Crewmate people die to cars and emus
Weird other small changes to it
v 0.3.2
Added book 8
Fixed a bug relating to the shield's listed damage restistance multiplier being way too small
v 0.3.1
Increased the drop chance of boot and jeans again as well as a stone, wheel and gears
Added book 7 (without kill bonuses)
Added settings to allow the game to delete invontory items if you cannot rightclick (allows for mobile play)
v 0.3.0
Buffed attack training becuase it was to weak
Lowered the requirements for achievements 42, 44
Drone 2 can now bypass the stone drop chance cap
Readded the lore thing for drone 4 because it disappeared for some reason?
Increased the drop chances: jeans, boot, pickaxe, minercap, yellow and cyan
Maybe fixed being able to upgrade drone 4 on some runs
v 0.2.9a
The killer robot thing now can drop fight picker
Fixed not be able to access the google form for achievement 41
Can now green the 11th zone
v 0.2.9
Added an enchanced item to the 'new' zone
Added 5 achievement(s)
Added a cap to the drop chance of stones because it felt too high
Finished the 11th zone, at last
v 0.2.8a
Fixed some information when hovering over the zone buttons
Fixed an issue with the greenstick duplicating and removings stats, um yeah
v 0.2.8
Made enemies darker in the caves and mines when there isn't enough light
Made the mines background much darker so it makes logical sense
The player also has a miss thing for themselves
Modifictations to the new rarity drop chances so recycling higher teirs will also increase ones below, except common
Added 3 new items (wow)
Added a flash to the engineers gun thing attack, tell me if it is to epillectic
*Animated* (made move) the FE refresh button to move to the new location. The other buttons can't be animated since it can't work :c
Fixed a bug when killing gasby you would of not been put back to the adventure menu
The Statistics for the drone build and upgrade speed now account for the bonuses given from enhanced loot
Fixed achievement 40 (You might have -AP after this, but it is fine)
Added a whole new enemy to the 11th zone (only 2 more to go, maybe two weeks before Ill start working on WFU 3, maybe 1)
Updated 'out of x items found' to be accurate
v 0.2.7b
Fixed a bug in which reloading the page when having more than 200 helicopter kills giving you x2 USB chance. Yes i bad
v 0.2.7a
Added 5 achievements
Fixed being stuck on latest lore page in lore library
Changes to the recycle rarity drop chances, more info in the help
Fixes to fixed usb
v 0.2.7
Fixed an item that was added in the last update that is supposed to unlock the lore library
Fixed a bug when killing ant you would of not been put back to the adventure menu
Fixed y 200 kills bonus (typo lol)
Nerfed Lava
Nerfed Bat
Nerfed wikipedia
Actaully allowed you to get achievement 10 (sorry if you tried)
Added one whole page of lore, sorry
Added 1 more item
Allowed a usb to actually drop that has been in the game for years, intellectual game dev
Changed the origanal drop chance of this usb because it could actaully break the game, its that powerful (trust me)
Fixed being able to lvl WFU after max level
Added the final textures to zone 11
Added 1 more enemy to zone 11, I put alot of effort into him so please dont be mad :c
v 0.2.6
Added some missing textures to zone 11
Fixed helicopter 200 bonus from giving nothing aswell as showing the wrong bonus in the book
Fixed a bug where if you havent open enhanced items before colleting one it would of override the first slot and delete an item
Added random critical hits to one enemy
Drone 2 can now go to the caves because yes
Finally fixed an ancient bug in where if you kill two enemies in quick succession you would of instantly been teletported back into adventure. This is dumb
Fixed it when block lvl reaches above 50, the dodge cooldown bonus provided now reduces the time for it, rather than making a 5 minute cooldown
Added 5 achievments (kinda fogor about those)
Added 1 item to an unfinished zone, sorry :c
Improved balance for the 3 enemies in zone 11 (still give feedback tho)
Fixed a very bad error involving WFU and Xp = NaN
Buffed gasbys hp by 0%, suggested by bonerDonut5
Added one whole enemy to zone 11, tell me if its ugly and I need to redraw
Fixed something in the lore
Thickend the big buttons for consitency
Sorry if you wanted more lore or completion of 11th zone but I really not a good artist :c
v 0.2.5a
Nerfed and fixed the headcrab
Added one more enemy in zone 11
v 0.2.5
Increased drop chance of enhanced items by at least 2.5x from all non-gaming sources
Fixed to being able to access the 4th feature from clicking it even when it was 'not unlocked'
Fixed a bug relating to enhanced items item not loading in slots 2-9
Added another fing for the fight picker
A demo version of the 11th zone (has 2 enemies and probably buggy and unbalanced)
v 0.2.4a
Fixed health multiplier breaking the game if you haven't refreshed the page ever
v 0.2.4
Changed slightly 1 enemy
Fixed several typos
Added plentiful amounts of help
Added 1 item
v 0.2.3
Added xp drops to zone 9 and 10
Fixed stone drops from WFU
Added something that tells you what you just got for the fight picker
Added something to show when you get a kill bonus
Added 1 item that does funny things
v 0.2.2a
Fixed not getting stones if you win in WFU
Fixed a bug that made the 2nd drone go to the wrong zone
v 0.2.2
Updated a10 page to show new item
Filtered items do not trigger item flash
Added current health numbers in battles
Nerfed IE
Added keybind to use all button (Enter)
Fixed the DRONES_ACTIVE number being wrong sometimes
Fixed some progress bars showing the wrong width
Fixed/buffed e's stat multiplier
Fixed several bugs with drones
Added 1 perk
Added more drops for WFU
v 0.2.1
Fixed a bug relating to the new item
Missing enemies in the 7th and 8th zone now shows miss
Added hardcaps to all of e's stats
Added 2 item drops to WFU, more probably coming with next update
Fixed some minute things with the filter
Added a delay on emu spawns once the imposter is found
Increased drop chance of jetpack by alot
Added 1 items
v 0.2.0
Changed the thing that shows yours stats in a fight to use colons instead of dashes
Drone 4 can now access zone 9 and 10 (drone 5 doesn't exist yet however)
Some fixes to hyperregen
Made the paper enemy gain an additional skin when you have been papercutted
Increased emus in WFU
e now has a fixed amount of regen so nerf I guess?
Added obama to the game files because BonerDonut5
Added a zone thing like thing on the map because I can (no new zone just visaul thing)(if you read this I am sorry)
Glowworm now pulsates and has the miss thing since there is no book on this zone causing immense confusion
Improved skeleton texture to not look line several white lines (now looks like several shaded white lines)
Lowered the nerdiness requirement to play the game (added a button to automatically go on adventure)
Sandwich no longer heals you once you are dead
Made WFU slightly more new user friendly
Buffed drop chance of ram because why not
Added an item to help with grinding
Fixed a bug that made it when you equip a certain accessory it changed into a calulator (kinda ironic for the item lol)
Added a help thing although it currently is very bad
v 0.1.9a
Allowed you to unlock 4th feature again
v 0.1.9
Hopefully actually removed a bug that made ants, jetpackguy, the hoe and the coder's lab enemies invenerable (i think I fixed it this time)
Increased drop chance of an item because someone said it 'artificially increasing playtime by making things that should be there take a lot to drop' :c
Made a back button for the enemy library, why did it take this long? idk
Made the school button red until able to access
Updated some of the enemy pages missing information
Now made something show the how much cooldown a move has left
Added book 6 with all of its kill bonuse
Added 3 moves with their respective training
Hovering over yellow and green adventure zones shows how many items you have collect and how many you are missing
Made a miss thing appear when the enemy dodged
Added another reward from from WFU
Made it significantly possiblier to get achievment 21
Fixed stick 200 bonus from actaully making you loose health against high defence enemies
Fixed some funny lore bugs
Added two items
Added 5 achievements
v 0.1.8
Nerfed Lava
Added zone 10
Buffed stilts
Enemies in z9 drop stones now (i fogor)
Fixed the shield number displaying x0
Added new 3 items
Hopefully removed a bug that made ants, jetpackguy, the hoe and the coder's lab enemies invunerable
Changed the refresh icon when fighting file explorer into an actaul refresh icon
Actaully nerfed file explorer
Nerfed Wikipedia
Fixed some lore issues
Increased xp gain from WFU and allowed perk 5 to work
Fixed the 'Drones active' number for drones 3 and 4, again
Nerfed/Fixed the hp buff from items collected
Fixed a bug relating to gum 200 kill bonus
More numbers added to stats thing
v 0.1.7a
Fixed the items found number from increasing everytime the item library was open
v 0.1.7
Adventure music stops when veiwing settings
Added another late game subfeature
Made the 3rd perk work
There is exactly 50 items in the game now
Doubled flash timer
Made it so items that drop once don't count being dropped when inventory is full
Nerfed File explorer again
Player death sound now doesn't play when you get out of a battle, if you don't like this change tell me
Added a volume slider
Increased drop chance of jetpack
Other features now have their respective keybinds eg [q] when Inventory is open will now open enemy library while [q] on Drones would open either drone building or drone upgrading
Animated fire
Added 5 achievements
v 0.1.6
Fixed a typo on the drone upgrade USB
Allowed the bat png file to actually load on github
Made kgt sachet have a max cap of kills for a garenteed drop so people with the worst luck can still progress
Increase Drop chance of RAM so its drop chance doesn't surpass 1/2^1024 (becomes udroppable beyond that nunber)
Can now green 9th zone
Nerfed file explorer
Added 1 more thing to spend xp on
Now able to get the 6th achievement
5 more achievements
Fixed the pricing of perk 1
Changed the gum texture because it looked to 'brainlike'
v 0.1.5a
On runs beginning after v0.1.5 fixed items not being able to drop, unequipped and change position (Thanks to ExplodingHairyPotatoCat for finding this issue)
v 0.1.5
Made it possible to fight anything other than the last enemy in zone 9
Reworked training rewards so it actually is useful
Made it much easier to unlock 4 feature
Made WFU xp reward more boring
Added a delay to the emu spawn timer at the start of the day to allow good luck not be the only thing keeping you alive on later days
Added 'animation' of player being attacked (I don't know what to call it)
Added background when first load up the game because yes
x5 chance of a USB that couldn't drop anyway
5 more achievments
Can view how many drones are active (i have no idea why I didn't add this before)
Probably should tell you drones die once tab is closed or reloaded, so updated that thing
Added perks with you can spend your newfound achievement points gained from... you guessed it, touching gra... I mean achievement grinding
Nerfed Lava
Added button to delete your entire progress :D
unequiping does no longer trigger item flash
Clicking an item when its equipment slot is already filled will move it to the first empty inventory slot and if it is already there it will go to the 2nd empty slot
v 0.1.4
Added 5 more achievemnts, and buffed the 4ths one rarity (addeding something later that makes this 'buff' deemed relevant)
Made 4th drone lifetime more accurate
new and improved lore
9th zone added however you have to wait till the book is added for the knowlegde so yea :c
intersting items added
Added animation when attacked, technically buffing dodge
You are now a 2 framed gif file (much yay)
Added spooky thing
Fixed an error with something, very major
Now is a site, making this project something that isnt built just for me. link is here
v 0.1.3
Make usb flash work
Hopefully fixed school zone color =yes
Nerfed lava
Added a usb that been in the files for months
Added 5 achievemnts, however 1 is very hard
Added some numbers to be visible in late game (hopefully will become more early)
v 0.1.2
Increased rarity of something by 1000x
Added some settings
Parrystone now works with the use all button
Improved emu hitbox
Fixed an infinite stone bug
Fixed an ufo generator bug
Actaully allowed d4 to drop
v 0.1.1b
Added death sound :D (not copyright)
Increased size of feature buttons, changed border colors, looks kind of cancerous but is for new thing so no winge
Fixed WFU timer
v 0.1.1
Fixed Imposter AI
Fixed USB drops from using stone DC instead of USB DC
Increased Gaurds hitbox
Improved emu hitbox
Slightly buffed jetpack DC
Changed design of the new stones
Spoiler is more opaque
KGT game sachet cannot be destroyed
No longer can go to adventure before play button is pressed
Item tooltip saves (finally)
Now can buy item slots
Added use all button
Added zone 5 book to help with what coming in the next few updates :D
Buffed apple 200 bonus
Added super rare secret :D
Added 4th drone and 2 usbs
No more triple click
v 0.1.0
Added name for the 30th zone
Muted the death sounds
Added second day to WFU
Increase lineararity of WFU rewards
Cars hitbox inproved
Fixed Outside map
Added a HTP tab on WFU
Added some spoilers in the gaming background
Apple 200 finally works (on certain things), new stones (look in files)
Removed chance of staligmite dropping a usb for some reason
Fixed bug with diamond
v 0.0.9
Added a restriction to 9th zone (still does nothing)
Changed some of the starting welcome words
Added cool animation whenever something is hit by projectile
Allowed to see zone pages without completeing zone (still needs to be unlocked)
Added 8th zone page
Fixed the inventory tip to make sense
Fixed guard and player hitbox
Made move keybinds more obvious
Fixed some visual things in xp
Added restriction in 10th zone with something very lore-y
The wilk has less increase on speed per day
v 0.0.8
New feeture :D (does almost nothing)
New item and USB (technically 2 USBs)
First animation added :D
WFU in the game (updates will now be this changelog too)
Game uses Tan
Caps now work for all the idiots
Right Click lost privillages
v 0.0.7
Fixed xp from =notyes
Can't hold moves :D
Fixed air tooltip on equip
Changed glasses name
Game uses pythagoras thereom
Note that next update WILL HAVE NEW FEATURE (probs 1 a week if lucky)
v 0.0.6
3 weeks of coding has lead to:
Added zone 6 (+15 mins of gameplay :D)
Reworked inventory slots and got rid of 3k+ lines of code and made it easier to add new items
Reworked item drops and got rid of more lines, making coding less = pain
Reworked usb drops for more of yes
Added 3 new zones in ideas process
Fixed more autosave bugs
Moves are now linked to keys
Features now have keys linked aswell
Added another 2 uses to Xp (more to come later)
Added zone 7 (the grind begins :D)
Fixed d3 (again)
WFU in the resources
Fixed bug with unequiping sneaker
Drones work in new zone(s)
Pages for zone 6 and 7 added
Fixed 3rd atrtack buff from giving you infinite attack
Fixed helicopter 200 bonus
Buffed gum, still the easiest enemy in zone
Fixed health multipliers
Changed adventure stats display to fit larger numbers
Added the 8th zone (zones after will not be focus, instead I'll work on something Much More Interesting :D)
Learing animation for đ
Fixed shield being worse when leveled (shield is kinda OP)
Shield affect 8s -> 5s
School book added (books = pain)
v 0.0.5
Added a usb that currently does nothing but lore
Added resources for 6th zone (still does nothing)
Big things happening to KGT Idle
Fixed drone 3 usb
v 0.0.4
Added drone 3 (was already meant to added in drone update but effort)
More autosave fixes
v 0.0.3
Zone 5 page added
Partially filled bars show after reload
Fixed move buttons after reload
Fixed water and puddle doing 11 shots instead of 10
Decreased attack of most enemies in 5th zone
Skybook has been added to help you beat the new zone (all working)
(Previous saves get kill bonuses already)
Buffed 2nd drone to what it was meant to be
Fixed bug with block
v 0.0.2
Fixed some autosave bugs
5th zone added (WITH LOOOOOOT)
Added USB multiplier (for chance)
Added 2 new zones in Ideas process (on map)
New usb
Drone 2 can now search 5th zone
v 0.0.1c
Fixed Drone 2 not showing after reload
Training levels now save
Fixed move buttons after reload
v 0.0.1b
Enforced restrictions in school and sky
Xp save fixed
v 0.0.1a
Game now has changelog (YAY)
Everything before the 2/9 is here
Drone leveling error fixed
All of kill bonuses finished (apart from apple - 200)
AUTOSAVE IS HERE (maybe a bit buggy tho)
Music for adventure (kinda bad but shut)